[Sermon] I Was Blind But Now I See!

I Was Blind But Now I See!

[Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother]

There is a fairy tale handed down by tradition, which is about a good daughter with filial piety to sacrifice herself for her blind father. Until then she felt so bad that her father hadn't see anything even her face. She was truly eager to have her blind father see again, by selling herself in exchange for some money.

According to the neuroscience, there are the five traditionally recognized senses; sight(vision) operated by eyes, hearing by ears, smell by nose, taste by tongue and touch by the hands or felt by the skin.

Among five senses, the sense of sight is valued more than 90 percents in the physical body. Therefore being blind is to lose the gladness mostly as living in the dark.

Here, in the Bible there is another blind said by Jesus.

Mt 13:14~15 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. This people's heart has become calloused. They have closed their eyes.

Jesus reiterated that even though people have the eyes to see the Bible but will be never perceiving or understanding because they've closed their eyes to recognize the Savior; the First Coming Jesus. It means that no matter how they boast about the knowledge of the Bible, not really know. They don't have the spiritual eyes to see through the secret by the help of God Elohim.

Mt 13:16 Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

I was blind spiritually in the past, but since WMSCOG I recognize the Saviors.

I'm privileged to see my Heavenly Parents. I'm privileged to go back to heavenly kingdom. I privileged to hear the voice of God the Mother. And I'm blessed to be called 'my beloved child' by God the Father and God the Mother.


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