[Mother] The Spiritual Father and the Spiritual Mother

The Spiritual Father and the Spiritual Mother

Before WMSCOG; World Mission Society Church of God, I was told that I have to call God, 'Lord, Lord' more than 'Father'. Technically I was getting the concept that God is 'Lord' to rule over my life and I should be the servant to submit to Him. I don't say this concept is wrong. However the Bible also testifies to God as our 'Father' and we're His beloved children.

Ro 8:15 You did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you receive the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba Father."

There're of course many parables in which God is likened to the master and His people taken figuratively into the servant. Nonetheless, God wants us to call Him 'Father'.

Just calling God 'Lord, Lord', not doing the will of Him cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, rather those who do the will of Father can pass through the heaven's gate. (Mt 7:21)

Since I realize the truth of Heavenly Father, everyday I gladly pray to God, calling Him 'Father'.

All the more what makes me happier and more pleasant is that just as we have physical fathers and mothers, we have the Spiritual Father and Mother in the Bible.

Heb 12:9 We have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respect them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

Biologically when all men're given birth/physical life, they inherit their parents' lineage through blood with which the parents and baby are related to each other. In the same way when we're given eternal life, we will inherit our Spiritual Parents' lineage through the precious blood with which our Heavenly Parents and we are related to each other.

Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and She is our mother.

Our Spiritual Mother, Heavenly Mother is essential to our eternal life and without Her we cannot inherit heavenly kingdom.

I'm blessed to call God 'Father', not 'Lord'.
I'm blessed to have the Spiritual Father and Mother.
I'm blessed to go back to heavenly kingdom, following Jerusalem Mother.


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