[Mother] The Members of the Heavenly Family

The Members of the Heavenly Family

I recently had a chance to talk about the type of a household to the students. Surprisingly there are many different types of a household which all are accepted as a household. Basically a household is defined as all the people in a family or a group who live together in a house.

As enumerating them, there are grandparents-grandchildren household, adoption household, multicultural household, only-grandparents household, single-parent household, a single person household, and remarriage household, etc.

At this point, I don't want to criticize any of them, nor emphasize which type is good or not. All households deserve what they are.

However, let's think about a family, especially the family members. Regardless the type of households, if there is a baby; a son or a daughter, it must be a father and a mother. There is no creature that is born without father and mother, in other words every creature should have their physical parents.

It is written in the Bible that God's children should have a Spiritual Father.

Heb 12:9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

2Co 6:18 I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Thankfully I have God the Father and Heavenly Father accepted me as His daughter.
And then, who am I supposed to have besides Heavenly Father? Just as I was born of the biological parents and given physical life, I must be born of Heavenly Parents and given eternal life.

Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

How much I'm blessed to have Heavenly Parents and call Them my God the Father and God the Mother. With all my spiritual brothers and sisters, I can be a member of the 'PERFECT' household and family, including Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and spiritual brothers and sisters, thanks to Heavenly Parents.


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