[Mother] Finding My Heavenly Parents

Finding My Heavenly Parents

One of my favorite movies is ‘Finding Nemo’, which is the animated movie and is considered well-made film for young kids.
While watching the movie, I was very impressed that the daddy, who lost his son in an accident, Nemo, went to search for his son corner to corner throughout the Pacific ocean, blaming himself, but didn’t give up in any circumstances until he found his loving son at last. What the daddy felt so sorry about Nemo is that his son, a clownfish, was born with a deformed fin, whose one fin is smaller than the other normal sized fin.
The love of daddy clownfish reminds me of that my Heavenly Parents’ love. They’ve never hesitated at all and already come to seek me, ardently calling my name. It’s time for me to seek my Heavenly Parents and find Them; God the Father and God the Mother
Isa 55:6~7 Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let them turn to the LORD, and he(God) will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
Just as the daddy clownfish cherishes his son with all his heart, being born deformed, Heavenly Parents cherish all of us, being born with deformed soul from heaven, rather They eagerly sought us to redeem us from this dark place.
Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and She is our mother.
With the boundless love of my Heavenly Parents, my deformed soul, feeble and weak, is being changed into the heavenly soul, beautiful and complete. I realized how I find Them and where I meet Them. Meeting Heavenly Parents everyday and returning to heavenly hometown is near, so it’ll be so glad to see it.
I appreciate today, too, "Thank God for being my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother."


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