[Mother] The History of Abraham's Family and Mother (1)

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The History of Abraham's Family and Mother

Usually people are interested who becomes heir to the rich man such as millionaire, billionaire, and the world's richest celebrity. Even though it is just a gossip, anyway, it is the important question of who's going to be heir to the great fortune and what he's going to inherit.

In the Bible there is the history pertaining to the heir, which is very interesting and mysterious and connected to our salvation. Now I'd like to talk about the history of Abraham's family.

There were three candidates to inherit estate of Abraham in the scriptures from Genesis. They were Eliezer of Damascus, Ishmael and Isaac. Since Abraham had no child until his late age in bearing a child, so he wanted Eliezer to be his heir presumptive.(Ge 15:2) However the LORD God promised him to give a child with whom He would establish the covenant, and the child were supposed to be Abraham's lawful heir.

Ge 17:18~19 And Abraham said to God, "If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!" Then God said, "Your wife Sarah will bear you[Abraham] a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him."

Abraham recommended Ishmael as his heir, assuming that he would be the one to inherit all his estate as God said, 'A son coming from your[Abraham] own body will be your heir.' Nevertheless God rejected Ishmael. God has never, ever tell a lie. Why did He do it so? There is a unusual and special reason hidden in the history of Abraham's family.

The LORD God made an everlasting covenant with Isaac, not Ishmael, even if he was supposed to be lawful heir in terms of regulation and common law in the Old Testament times. As seen the chart above, the essential factor which enabled Isaac to be heir to Abraham was 'mother'; Sarah who was the free woman.

If Isaac hadn't been born of Sarah, he would have never been the heir to inherit all estate of Abraham

Gal 4:26~28 The Jerusalem that is above is free, and She is our mother. Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.

As testified in the scriptures, we are children of promise; everlasting salvation and eternal life, like ISAAC, so we have to be children of our Heavenly Mother by any means to inherit the kingdom of heaven.

While people are interested who the heir is and how much fortune he would inherit, however we're concerned that how we make people notice the spiritual blessing to be God's heir as the heir of Heavenly Mother.


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