[Mother] The Teachings of Heavenly Mother

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The Teachings of Heavenly Mother

Here are the precious instructions; the teachings of Heavenly Mother which is leading us to the kingdom of heaven.

One, it is more blessed to give love than to receive, as God always gives love.

Two, when we give glory to God, the glory returns to us.

Three, a beautiful mind has to hate, and brings forth a perfect love.

Four, as Abraham was blessed with the better when he conceded to his nephew Lot, so we are blessed even more when we concede to our brothers and sisters.

Five, being arrogant means wanting to be served.

Six, though others do not work, we should not complain but do our work faithfully. Having the mind of a master makes us work with pleasure and with ease.

Seven, arrogance comes from the mind full of complaint. When we serve God always with thanksgiving, complaint and arrogance recede from us, and humility dwells in our hearts.

Eight, when we praise our brothers and sisters, the praise returns to us.

Nine, as the sea receives all the dirt and purifies it, we should have a broad and beautiful mind enough to cover up even the faults of our brothers and sisters.

Ten, whoever wants to be led by the Lamb should become a lamb smaller than the Lamb.

Eleven, sacrifice is needed to become a greater vessel.

Twelve, we should endure present sufferings, for the kingdom of heaven is ours.

Thirteen, even God didn't come to served but to serve. When we serve one another without wanting to be served, God will be pleased.

In the Bible Jesus had been teaching His disciples using the Scriptures that He was the Savior and the Son of God and often God Himself. Also He warned people not to learn from the false prophets the wrong teachings and instructions which would lead them into the hell.

Mt 15:9 Jesus said, "They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men"

The false teachings refer to the man-made stories so-called the "heresy" which is the incorrect belief against God Elohim.

Mt 22:23 When the crowds heard this, they were astonished at His[Jesus'] teachings.

The reason why the crowds were astonished at Jesus' teachings is that His teachings were based totally on the Bible with the prophecies and the fulfillment.

In the same way, in the last age of the Holy Spirit we're warned in order not to be led by false teachings and misled into the hell.

Rev 2:20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: By her[the false churches] teachings, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.

Whenever we should be with God the Father and God the Mother, being taught the precious teachings, we will surely go back to heavenly country. If we preach Heavenly Parents' teachings to guide us to the kingdom of heaven, the crowds will be astonished at Their teachings full of wisdom, understanding and insight.


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