[Mother] The Source of Water of Life (2)

The Source of Water of Life (2)

What would happen if we cannot  drink enough water a day? Everybody surely assumes it would cause some problems in our body.

In the researches and some events, it is believed that we can live without food until 7 days, but live until 21 days with no water. It refers to that as long as water is supplied our life can last more than three weeks.

Basically human body is known to be made of the water and it is regarded as the essence to all the creatures. No living organisms can live without the water. How about losing water in our body?

If our body lacks of 1 or 2% of the water, it will cause an inanition and dehydration which is a state exhausted and worn out and we will suffer from extreme thirst. And if we lose 12% of the water, we will die of thirst. So it doesn't exaggerate to say that the water is life itself,.

Just as all the creatures including human being need the water to sustain our physical life, our spiritual life should be sustained with the water of life in a spiritual way. The matter is who is giving the water of life to us.

Rev 22:17 The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

Whoever wants to sustain his spiritual life, he must seek, find, and go to the Holy Spirit and the Bride to receive it. As long as we drink the water of life in our daily life, we don't experience the thirst, not feel dizzy and fill up our hearts with the love of Heavenly Parents, spreading the water of life throughout the world.


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