[Mother] The History of Abraham's Family and Mother (2)

The History of Abraham's Family and Mother (2)

A: I believe in God and I'm glad to call God "my Father".
B: Oh, really?
A: Also I'm proud of myself to be called "my child" by God.
B: Wow, awesome! Then, are you the member of God's family?
A: What? God's family? I haven't heard it in the Bible.
B: But you told me that. You call Him "God the Father" and God acknowledges you as His child.
A: On hearing you, that makes sense. I come to understand that I'm the member of God's family.
B: Then, where is you Mother?
A: What? God the Mother? I haven't thought about it so far.
B: But you told me that. You have God the Father. Thus it must be the existence of 'SOMEONE', who gave birth to you, isn't it? And She should be called 'God the Mother' for you.
A: Em,,, On hearing you, I have to check it through the Bible!

Jn 1:12 To all who received him[God], to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, children born of God.

That's right. We're given the right to become the children of God, and it absolutely refers to the children of God the Father and God the Mother. If there is a family, it should consist of father, mother and their children. Even more we're regarded as the "children like Isaac, who inherited the property and estate of his father, Abraham.

Gal 4:26~28 The Jerusalem that is above is free, and She is our mother. Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.

To become an heir of heavenly inheritance, like Isaac, we have to satisfy the conditions to be qualified. It requires only one condition that we must be the child of God the Mother, believing in Her and She acknowledges us as Her children. Even though there were three candidates to be heirs of Abraham's estate, Eliezer and Ishmael were dropped out of an inheritance and only Isaac was successful.

We, like spiritual Isaac promised to the eternal inheritance of the kingdom of heaven, should follow God the Mother to the end and never fall away on account of Her in any circumstances.


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