[Basic] How Was the Sabbath Established? - The Origin of the Sabbath Day

How Was the Sabbath Established?
The Origin of the Sabbath Day

I deeply moved by the truth of the Sabbath Day in this video. Among the seven days God distinguished the Sabbath from the others. It was not just because God marked it holy and gave the special blessing, but because He wanted to protect His children from the evil ones which was to tempt them to worship the sun-god of the pagan so that God's people would fell into the destruction and fall to be saved.

Ex 20:8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy."

Furthermore God gave the abundant blessings to those who continued keeping the Sabbath days holy in remembrance of His creation.

Let's think about it. What if my loving parents, though living in a distant region, choose a day among the seven days and meet me at a promised place? I'm willing to go on that day and happily wait the six days until I meet them.

Mt 5:19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Every Sabbath Day makes me excited in meeting God. All my thanks be to Heavenly Parents for allowing me to participate in Their glory in heaven. I'd like to practice the Sabbath Day of God's commands, and strongly let many learn the importance of it in order to share the eternal blessings in heaven.


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