[Basic] The Sabbath Day (4) - The Abolition and Restoration of the Sabbath Day

The Sabbath Day (4)

The Abolition and Restoration of the Sabbath Day

The blessed Sabbath Day in God's commands was unfortunately abolished in A.D. 321 in the Roman Era. Through the Edict of Milan which was issued in A.D. 313, Christianity was acquired the legal status and looked go up high position by Roman emperor of Constantine.

Due to the Edict of Milan, Christianity was treated the same as the other pagan religions, and it seemed to be protected to avoid the persecution such as being forced to convert into the pagan religion, paying much taxes, being drafted into the military and even putting to death in the unjust ways, etc.

Also there was a epoch-making event in the Christianity history, it was Sunday Legislation that Roman emperor Constantine issued in A.D.321 in which all the churches had to attend the Sunday service based on the sun-god worship and followed the strict rules. If Christianity rejected it, they would be back to the former situation of the persecution. Because of this perverted sun-god worship service, the holy Sabbath Day was abolished and disappeared in the Christianity history.

Da 7:25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws.

Since the abolition of the Sabbath, God's people who held onto God's commands and teachings fled to the mountains, caves, wilderness and catacombs in order to keep the Sabbath Days every week.

Then what shall God's people who lost the Sabbath do? Is there no way to be blessed and holy again by keeping the Sabbath? God had heard the outcry of His children, He came down a second time in the flesh to restore the abolished laws and commands such as the Sabbath.

Jn 14:26 The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Who is the Counselor to teach us all things which were taught by the First Coming Jesus? He must be the Holy Spirit, Who would be sent by God the Father but being divine nature as God Himself on the basis of the truth of Trinity and be called the Second Coming Jesus to appear in the last age of the Holy Spirit.

He is Christ Ahnsahnghong to restore the Sabbath abolished in A.D.321 and bring all truth of life so that His children become back to life in keeping the Sabbath and be cleansed off the sins and enter the kingdom of heaven.


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