Never Ending Story - Come to the Spirit and the Bride

Every activity has a purpose. In the same way, our religious life also has a purpose. The Bible teach us that the purpose of our faith is the salvation of our soul, that is, eternal life(1Pe 1:8-9).
In order to give us eternal life, God divided 6,000 years of His redemption work into three ages and gave us a different name for the Savior in each age(Mt 28:19).
In the age of Father, God the Father Jehovah was a savior, in the age of the Son, God the Son Jesus was a savior. We live in the age of the Holy spirit. Then, what is the name of the Holy spirit?

Rev 22:17 The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

In the age of the Holy Spirit that is the last age, the Spirit and the Bride appear as our saviors. The Spirit and the Bride give us the water of life, namely, eternal life.
The Spirit refers to God the Father accordance with Trinity. Then, who is the Bride of the God the Father?
Reveration chapter 21 says that the Bride is
the Heavenly Jerusalem(Rev 21:9-10). What is the relation between the Heavenly Jerusalem and us?

Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother

Heavenly Jerusalem is our mother. Like this, the Bible testifies about God the Mother as well as God the Father.
In the age of the Holy spirit, God the Father and God the Mother came to this earth to save us and give us eternal life.
Please come to the World Mission Society Church of God where we can meet God the Father and God the Mother and receive a blessing of eternal life.

#WMSCOG #WorldMissionSocietyChurchofGod #Ahnsahnghong #GodtheMother #NewCovenant #Passover


  1. In order for us to receive salvation~ Who should we go to??~ the Spirit and the Bride^^~ our God the Father and God Mother♥~ AMEN!!

  2. Anyone has an ear to hear what the Spirit and the Bride say to the church has to come to Them, Heavenly Parents, Who are the the source of eternal life, and will rest under Their arm in the kingdom of heaven :)

  3. In this age, age of the Holy Spirit, we must go to the Spirit and the Bride to receive water of life, which is eternal life!! Please come and know who are our saviors in this age!


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