Synergy - The Way of Life.

In our lives we come across a time to decide which way to go. The good or the bad, the right or the wrong, the easy or the hard, the wide or the narrow, and black or white etc. We come across times like this and many times it is difficult for us to decide but we must.
Then, What is the way of God?
Jeremiah 21:8~9  ...I am setting before you the way of life and the way of death...Whoever stays in this city will die...But whoever goes out and surrenders...will live...
We come to the point of having two ways, the way of life and the way of death.
Then, How should we decide? As many of us would definitely prefer the way of life. The answer is in the bible.
John 5:39~40  You diligently study the scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life...scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
God is giving us a chance and a choice to make in this world , in this life. For God does not want anyone to perish and to walk the way of death but to live and to walk the way of life(2 Peter 3:8~9). For God is the only way of life.
John 14:6  ...I am the way and the truth and the life...
Then, What is the way of life? God clearly gave us a way of life.
John 6:53~54 ...unless you eat the flesh...and drink his blood, you have no... Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.
Then, How can we eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood?
Luke 22:7~8,19~20  ...the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. Jesus...saying "Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover."
It is only through the Passover. Passover is the way to live, Passover is the way of life. Let us all make the right decision and receive the gift of God to walk the way of life.
Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!"...let him take the free gift of the water of life.
Only in the World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG) where Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother  dwells according to the bible keeps the Passover according to the bible. The way of Life.
#wmscog #Passover #christAhnSahngHong #GodtheMother


  1. As God says (Jn14:6), He is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to God except through Him because only God is the way to eternal life. There is no reason for us, God's children, to delay to come to God Elohim, Father and Mother :)

  2. The way of life is the Passover. Christ Ahnsahnghong opened the way of life to give us the salvation by restoring the law of life, the Passover.
    Let us keep the Passover!

  3. I hope all people go forward the way of life together:)

  4. Jesus himself is the reality of the tree of life. So He came to the earth to give life to us. To give us the tree of life He established the Passover of the new covenant!


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