Never Ending Story - Food That Spoils & Food That Endures to Eternal Life

Food That Spoils & Food That Endures to Eternal Life

I'm going to deliver words of eternal life from Christ Ahnsahnghong nim for all mankind.

Today, there are many people who look for miraculous signs. Especially when people are very sick, they tend to pray to ask that they became better and hope for a miracle.
But, even if the sick are healed or the dead are brought back to life through miraculous signs, can they live forever? No, they cannot live forever.

Although Jesus brought Lazarus back to life and healed many sick people, all of them died. The people who ate manna in the desert died, Lazarus died, and all the sick who were healed died, too.

Then, what is the most important thing to us now?

Jesus taught us how to enter eternal life.
"If you eat My flesh and drink My blood, you have life in you." (John 6:53-54)

Christ Ahnsahnghong said the most important thing is the fact that Jesus granted us life by giving us His flesh and blood through His death on the cross. It is not a great miracle to be healed, brought back to life, and then die, but rather, to have eternal life by eating Jesus' flesh and drinking His blood. 

The truth that we can eat the flesh and blood of Jesus is the Passover(Matthew 26:26-28). It is truly a great miracle that we can gain eternal life through the Passover. 

We have a great miracle now. What is it? It is the New Covenant Passover! 
Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the Passover of the new covenant. He is the Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit.
The World Mission Society Church of God that was established by Christ Ahnsahnghong keeps the Passover.
We must always give thanks and glory to Christ Ahnsahnghong for giving us these words of truth that give us life. 


  1. Even though the first emperor of China, Qin Shihuangdi, searched for the herb of eternal youth to get eternal life but he failed. Any food cannot give eternal life and it just spoiles but only God can do. All thanks and honor to God Elohim, Heavenly Parents :)

  2. No one can live forever by himself. But God allows us this. Thanks to God for giving us eternal life, the great miracle.

  3. Amen! So many people in the past wanted to live longer and even wanted to live forever, however they couldn't. Since there is no food that gives us eternal life. But our God the Father, Christ Ahnsahnghong gave us Eternal life through his holy Flesh and Blood. Thanks to Father for letting us realize the value of our spiritual life :)


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