Mr. Smile - The Lost New Covenant Passover

2,000 years ago Jesus established the New Covenant Passover through His sacrifice on the cross, but we can hardly find any Christians who keep the Passover that Jesus established through His blood. Because after the Apostolic age the New Covenant Passover disappeared and abolished in A.D.325. What does it mean? It means that without the New Covenant Passover no one receives the eternal life among the blessings of the Passover. Let's discern what God's will is how important the Passover is through the history of the abolished Passover.

Jesus kept the Passover at twilight on the 14th day of the first month by the sacred calendar and died on the next day, the feast of the Unleavened Bread. On Sunday, the day after the Sabbath that comes after the feast of the Unleavened Bread He was resurrected. So the Church of God that Jesus established commemorated Jesus' sacrifice by celebrating the Holy Supper with bread and wind on the Passover and celebrated the Resurrection day by breaking bread. 

1 Corinthians 11:25
For Christ, our Passover lam, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the Festival(Passover). For whenever you eat this bread(Passover bread) and drink this cup(Passover wine), you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

So, why don't churches keep the Passover these days?
After the Apostolic age the church in Rome abolished the Passover and made a custom of keeping the Holy Supper on Resurrection day even though the Passover and the Resurrection day are totally different. Actually, Passover is celebrating the Passover Holy Supper which commemorates Jesus' death, not His resurrection.

However, the church in Rome insisted on Resurrection Day communion and due to this, several controversies arose.

In A.D 155, Controversy arose between Polycarp, bishop of the church in Smyrna and Anicetus, bishop of the church in Rome( J.W.C. Wand, A History of the Early Church to A.d. 500, pp.82~83) At that time both parties decided to keep the Holy Supper on different days.

In A.D. 197 Victor I, bishop of the church in Rome forced all churches to keep the Holy Supper on Sunday [Resurrection Day]. Polycrates, the bishop of Ephesus sent a rebuttal letter in regard to this.(Eusebius Pamphilus, Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History Chap. 24, pp.208~209)

"We," said he, "therefore, observe the genuine days ... Philip, one of the twelve apostles ... Moreover, John, ... All these observed the fourteenth day of the Passover.

In the end, Victor withdrew his mandate.

However, in A.D. 325, at the Council of Nicaea convened by Roman Emperor Constantine I, the decision was made to celebrate the holy supper on Sunday(Resurrection Day) according to the insistence made by the church in Rome. And the Council decided the Resurrection day to be the first Sunday coming after the full moon of the vernal equinox. Finally, the Passover was abolished in A.D. 325. 

So that's why many churches have the Holy Supper on Resurrection Day. The Passover Holy Supper was changed to Resurrection day, and because of that Resurrection day is still called Passover. As the truth of the Passover abolished, changed communions were continually created. But God's promise is not in changed communions. Jesus' flesh and blood that contains God's promise of eternal life is only bread and wine on the Passover.

John 6:53~54
Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."

Only World Mission Society Church of God keeps the New Covenant Passover, the promise of eternal life according to the teaching of Jesus of the Early Church. 


  1. Precious promise of Salvation as well as abundant blessings of God is contained in the New Covenant Passover! Thanks to Elohim God for restoring the Lost New Covenant Passover in this age so that we can have hope for kingdom of Heaven, the place where we will go :)

  2. It's certain that we lost the Passover, God's everlasting covenant, so what shall we do? I have to ensure claimed God's people should search for the lost feast so that God Elohim is waiting for us to do it. Fortunately Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the Passover to give us eternal life and led us to Jerusalem Heavenly Mother. We have to keep the Passover again and go back with Them to the kingdom of heaven :)


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