Synergy - Heavenly Mother?

There was a boy and a girl playing in a playground. After they finish playing. They ran to a man and a woman calling them "mom" and "dad". What are their relationship? Yes, they are a family. In this world the greatest system that has been created by God would be the family system. But did you know that this earth is a copy and shadow of heaven?
Hebrews 8:5  They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven...
Which means the earthly family is a copy and the heavenly one is the reality. Then, when we look at a family system in this earth it consists of a father, children and Mother. But which one was first? Needless to say heavenly family system existed first. However, most of the people in this world especially Christians believe that God is Father and they are His child but denies the existence of Mother. When I tell people about the existence of God the Mother they say I am heretic. Let's think, if God the Father exist why not God the Mother? This is the classic idea of people.
Galatians 4:26  But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.
Let's think again, everything that has life is given by a mother even humans. Without mothers no life can be given. Without mothers no family can exist. So, not only father is needed but mother is also needed.
Romans 1:19~20  Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
So, if in this world fathers exist then Heavenly Father exists and children exist then Heavenly children exist and most importantly if mothers exist then our Heavenly Mother exists. This is the profound truth and through Heavenly Mother we receive eternal life and happiness.


  1. Denying the existence of Heavenly Mother is to deny that they're the God's children. It's because God's children should be born of Heavenly Parents; God the Father and God the Mother. It is the core not only of natural family's system but also of heavenly family's system. Only believing in God Elohim we can be saved and go back to the kingdom of heaven. Let's give all our thanks and honor to Heavenly Parents for making us Their promised children :D


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