Kyle - God the Father and God the Mother

 Many people call God Father. Because Jesus taught us that God is our Father in heaven. But does it mean that there is only God the Father?
 Actually ‘Father’ means the man who has a child literally. there must be a child if some man is called father. Then what does mean that God is called ‘Father’? It means God has children. And the bible said we are children of God.

2Cor 6:17~18 "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

But when we think about family, Is it possible that a father bears children alone? If there are children, there must be a mother too. Without a mother, Children can’t exist. and if there are no children, a father can’t exist. In other words, ‘father’ can exist, when a mother exists. then, what does the word “God the Father” mean? It tells us there is our God the Mother too.

Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

Here, ‘above’ means ‘heaven’. Bible said there is our Mother in heaven. It means there are not only God the Father but also God the Mother. Just as there are father and mother in the earthly family, there are God the Father and God the Mother in the spiritual family.

So, As the bible has taught us, we must believe in God the Father and God the Mother both. those people who believe in Father and Mother are children of God.


  1. No one wants to be one who has no father or mother. Everyone wants to belong to FAMILY, having their A father and A mother. Otherwise he will be an orphan and would be called a fatherless child or a motherless child. Likewise in the Bible, there must be a heavenly family with God the Father and God the Mother, Who care for us all the time, calling us 'heavenly children'. We should seek our Heavenly Parents and receive Them, staying in Zion. Let's give all our thanks and honor to Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother :D

  2. This is so makes sense. If there is a father, there must be a mother. People are calling God as God the Father and we are the children of God then there must be a Mother! The Bible clearly testifies about our Heavenly Mother who is the source of water of life! Hope more people come to the Spirit and the Bride to receive eternal life! :)


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