Ruth Kim - Who Are Eligible to Be Heirs of Heavenly Kingdom?

Who Are Eligible to Be Heirs  Heavenly Kingdom?

Nowadays in the news, we’ve heard some terrible homicide events related to inheritance of property or estate.
An heir is to get privileged, having the right to inherit a great amount of property or gains significant title or succeed an office. In order to inherit it, someone might be willing to use force when he is involved in the fight over an inheritance. Although the parents are still living, their children start to fight over an inheritance. Definitely they do know how much important to be an heir.
The significant meaning of becoming an heir applies to not only family’s heir but also the business’ heir. Let’s think about becoming an heir who is going to succeed the office or title. If someone becomes an heir of the big company, he will get the authority to run the business as the executive officer and will exercise the power to decide.
Then how about the king or the queen? If someone becomes an heir to succeed to the throne, he will rule over the country and be served as head of sate in dealing with diplomatic policy and represent his country.
And then, what will be next after becoming the king of a certain country? Is there nothing next? Only one thing is left. It is to become an heir of heavenly kingdom who is going to rule over the universe with given power by God Elohim, Heavenly Parents. It cannot be compared with an heir of family to inherit the property or estate, and with an heir of the company to succeed the business, and even with an heir of the country to become the king. We, the heirs of heavenly kingdom, will take charge of the ten cities and reign the heavenly realm with everlasting glory.

Lk 19:17 “Well done, my good servant!” his master replied. “Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.”

Rev 22:5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

Then who are eligible to be heirs for heavenly kingdom? As God said, we have to be trustworthy in a very small matter and be credited as righteousness by doing the good deeds to carry out God’s missions and accomplish our duty to preach the gospel throughout the world, letting them know the name of savior, Christ Ahnsahnghong and recognize our God the Mother.
We are the children of God Elohim and heirs. We will willing to share in God’s sufferings in order that we may also share in God’s glory. Let’s look up at the stars shining in the sky above and give all our honor and thanks to Heavenly Parents to grants the title of heirs on us.


  1. Am I eligible to be an heir of heavenly kingdom? When I look back on myself, I lack in every way to become an heir of God Elohim. However Heavenly Parents accepted me as Their child and made me as Their heir to inherit the heavenly treasure for nothing. As an heir I will look forward to heavenly kingdom and exert all my efforts to move up the day of our salvation. Heavenly Parents are walking next to me. So I can walk with God Elohim to the heaven. We will end up with seeing the beautiful our heavenly home.

  2. Amen! We are so glad to be chosen by God to be heirs of God, Elohim. Our God, Elohim gave us hope for kingdom of Heaven, and let us know the secrets in Heaven. As heirs of God, we should work hard to resemble our God and participate in God' divine nature. Just like royal family members are learning attitude and having education as royal people, we,too walked God's paths and follow His will as heirs of God!

  3. To me the best thing that happened to me in my life is meeting God our Elohim~ I was nobody, I didn't where to go, what to do with my life~ I am grateful to have met Father and Mother~ I give all honor and glory to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for calling me as Their daughter and making me the heir of Christ♥


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