Ashley Taylor - Where Should We Go to Meet True God?

God is omnipotent and omniscient.
God could be anywhere.

However, did you know that the bible precisely describe the place for God's dwelling.

Ps 132:13~14 For the Lord has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling, saying, "This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it.

God specifically mentioned about Zion for his dwelling place in the book of Psalm.

Therefore, we should go to Zion to meet our true God.

Then, where is Zion?

Zion is familiar for Christianity as a place located in Jerusalem in Israel.
Then, should we go to Zion in Israel to meet our God all the time?

Many people would know about Zion located in Jerusalem, but might have not heard about Spiritual Zion recorded as the place for God's festivals are celebrated in.

Isa 33:20 Look on Zion, the city of our festivals; 

To know where is Zion in this age, we should know the festivals of God as well as the place where these God's festivals are celebrated in.

Lev 23:1- The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them; These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the LORD, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies. 

Leviticus chapter 23 explained about the festivals of the LORD that we should celebrate as regulations of our God. It says the Sabbath day, the Passover, Unleavened bread, First fruits, the festival of Weeks, the day of Atonement, The festival of Tabernacles are God's festivals that we should keep.

In this age, to meet true God, we must go to a certain church where all these God's festivals are celebrated in.

That is World Mission Society Church of God.

That is because in World Mission Society Church of God all those God's festivals are celebrated according to the teachings of the Bible.

Throughout the ages, the Zion became the place, where prophets received comforting from God who appeared in human form. (Mic 4:1~8, Zep 3:14~20, Jer 50:4~5) 

In this age too, our true God dwells in Zion and bestows the blessing of eternal life as well as comforting our souls.

Hope many people could meet our God and receive blessings in Zion.


  1. Even though I could see so-called many Zion, but no place is true one for God's children to meet God Elohim and get everlasting salvation. We can search the true Zion, God's dwelling place to allow us immeasurable blessing through the Bible where Christ Ahnsahnghong established again and Jerusalem God the Mother is still walking with us until we get into heavenly kingdom. Let's remain in Zion following God's will to preach the New Covenant, loving one another :D

  2. People think that God dwells in the every church. But it is wrong. All the church is NOT in God. The bible clearly says that the church where God is must keep the festivals of God, the feasts such as the Sabbath, the Passover in the new covenant. Which church keeps the feasts?


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