Ruth Kim - Who Are Promised to Receive the New Name and the Name of Jerusalem?

Who Are Promised to Receive the New Name and the Name of Jerusalem?

God designates us as the promised children, giving the blissful situations and times.

Gal 4:28 Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.

What have we been promised? Among many promise, we’re promised to receive the New Name. As written in the Bible (Rev 2:17), God will give the hidden manna, representing for the Passover to those who overcome any trials. Also God will give a white stone with a New Name written on it, standing for the Second Coming Jesus only to those who receive and recognize IT. It means that only God’s children can recognize the Second Coming Christ with the New Name.

Besides the New Name of the Second Coming Christ, we’re promised to receive the Name of Jerusalem. As written in the Bible (Rev 3:12), God will let us know the Name of the New Jerusalem of the city of God and He will write IT on us. It means that only God’s children can recognize the Name of the New Jerusalem.

Except us, no one knows there exists the name of the New Jerusalem. Even they don’t conceive that Jerusalem God the Mother exists in the Bible, being testified by many scriptures. We all are so blessed to meet God the Mother and call Her ‘our Mother’.


  1. Someone may ask, "Is there A New Name of the Christ?", "Does the Second Coming Jesus has the another name?", or "Even is there A Name of Jerusalem?". To all those questions I'd confidently like to answer, "YES, of course". Only those who receive that NAME can recognize Them; the Holy Spirit and the Bride, our Heavenly Parents.


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