Ruth Kim - Who Are Those God Elohim Are Walking with?

 Who Are Those God Elohim Are Walking with?

There is a saying, “The best trip depends on who you go with rather than where you go.” Even though you’re going to the best tourism attractions, if you’re alone or you go there with someone that you don’t want to go with, your trip will be the worst.

Going to heaven is like a journey or a long travel. Also our life is liken to a journey to heaven. In the course of journey of the kingdom of heaven, there might be more trials and hardships than joy and pleasure. However God Elohim are walking with us until we stand at the heaven’s gate.

We no longer fear anything because we can see God the Father and God the Mother walking together beside us.


  1. If I go on a trip with my loving family members, I'll never be tired or bored. Likewise God Elohim; Heavenly Parents are walking with us wherever we go, therefore I will follow Them wherever They go! Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem God the Mother will be with us until the end, as promised.


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