Ruth Kim - Who Can Be Answered in the Name of the Holy Spirit?

Who Can Be Answered in the Name of the Holy Spirit?

It is natural that God’s people who believe in the name of Savior as their true God should pray in the name of God of that age. The theme is this; “Who can be answered in the age of the Holy Spirit?”

Ps 116:4 Then I called on the name of the LORD: O LORD, save me!

As God’s people believing in Jehovah prayed in the name of Jehovah in the age of the Father, when the age changed from the age of the Father to the age of the Son, God’s people believing in Jesus prayed in the name of Jesus in the age of God the Son. People’s prayers can only be answered when they pray in the name of the Savior in their own age.

Jn 16:24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

Then if the age of the Son changes into the age of the Holy Spirit, in whose name would people pray? We live neither in the age of the Father nor in the age of the Son. We live in the age of the Holy Spirit. We should pray in the New Name. It is because the new name is the name of the Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit. As it is testified in the Book of Revelation that there exists the New Name of Jesus, God’s people believing in the Holy Spirit should pray in the name of the Holy Spirit in the age of the Holy Spirit.


  1. When you pray, which is happy for you, in receiving an answer or not? Whoever will be happy and pleasant when they pray and be answered by God. Fortunately we're always answered by God Elohim; Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem God the Mother whenever we pray. We're blessed God's people!


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