
Showing posts from October, 2020

Ruth Kim - Who Can Bear Good Fruit, Being Attached to the Vine Tree?

Who Can Bear Good Fruit, Being Attached to the Vine Tree? It is believed that grape is the representative fruit in autumn. The bunch of grape makes the farmer glad and pleasant who has planted and watered and fertilized and taken care of with love. All the farmers are concerned about is how to produce a lot of fruit. Regardless of their interest, there is basic principle for the farmers have to keep. Jn 15:1~5 I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself ; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. As God said as long as we remain in the true vine, God the Father and God the Mother, we will be even m...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Those to Proclaim the Lord's Death Until He Comes?

Who Are Those to Proclaim the Lord’s Death Until He Comes? If there is someone who is proclaiming A certain person’s death to the others, he must be related closely with the deceased. It is ridiculous that someone with no relationship proclaims A certain person’s death. Therefore we, the God’s beloved children acknowledged by God Elohim, have to proclaim His death until He comes as prophesied in the Bible. 1Co 11:23~26 For I[Paul] received from the Lord[Jesus] what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. When is the day that Jesus Christ gave bread to eat and wine to drink and...

Ruth Kim - Who Can Participate in the Divine Nature?

Who Can Participate in the Divine Nature and Escape the Corruption in the World Caused by Evil Desire? We were the sinful nature before met God Elohim. Now we are becoming divine nature. Also we are in the process of transforming into good character. What will be good for us when we participate in the Divine Nature of God Elohim from escaping the corruption in the world? Definitely we will change from the old spoiled character to the new beautiful one. 2Pe 1:4~8 He has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from be...

Ruth Kim - Who Will Be a Planting of God Elohim for the Display of Their Splendor?

Who Will Be a Planting of God Elohim for the Display of Their Splendor? As we are taught by God Elohim, in teaching, “You are the salt of the earth and try to be good for everything with saltiness. You are the light of the world and try to give the light to everyone with brightness (Mt 5:13~14)”, we exert the every efforts to be the good salt and the brilliant light with the good deeds in order to be the display of God’s splendor. Isa 60:21~22 Then will all your people be righteous and they will possess the land forever. They are the shoot I have planted, the work of my hands, for the display of my splendor. The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation . I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly. How honorable we are to be the display of God’s splendor! As long as we are the display of the splendor of God Elohim; Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem God the Mother, we will become a thousand even though we are the least among many people and we will the mi...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Those to Be Persecuted with the New Name?

Who Are Those to Be Persecuted with the New Name? It is natural that God’s people who believe in the name of Savior as their true God can be persecuted with the name of God of that age. The theme is this; “Who are those to be persecuted with the New Name in the age of the Holy Spirit?” Jer 20:9~10 But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. As God’s people believing in Jehovah were persecuted with the name of Jehovah in the age of the Father, when the age changed from the age of the Father to the age of the Son, God’s people believing in Jesus also persecuted with the name of Jesus in the age of God the Son. People can be persecuted by the evil ones with only the name of the Savior in their own age. Mt 10:22~23 All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. When you are persecuted in one place, flee to...

Ruth Kim - Who Can Sing a New Song with the New Name?

Who Can Sing a New Song with the New Name? It is natural that God’s people who believe in the name of Savior as their true God can sing a song with the name of God of that age. The theme is this; “Who can sing a new song in the age of the Holy Spirit?” Ps 113:2~3 Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. As God’s people believing in Jehovah were singing with the name of Jehovah in the age of the Father, when the age changed from the age of the Father to the age of the Son, God’s people believing in Jesus sang a new song with the name of Jesus in the age of God the Son. People should sing a new song with only the name of the Savior in their own age. Heb 2:12~13 He says, “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises. And again, I will put my trust in him. Then if the age of the Son changes into the age of the Holy Spir...

Ruth Kim - Who Can Get Salvation with the New Name?

Who Can Get Salvation with the New Name? It is natural that God’s people who believe in the name of Savior as their true God can get salvation with the name of God of that age. The theme is this; “Who can get salvation in the age of the Holy Spirit? Whose name must God’s people call on for their salvation in the age of the Holy Spirit?” Joel 2:32 And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. As God’s people believing in Jehovah called on the name of Jehovah in the age of the Father, when the age changed from the age of the Father to the age of the Son, God’s people believing in Jesus called on the name of Jesus in the age of God the Son. People can get salvation with only the name of the Savior in their own age. Ro 10:9~13 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Then if the age of the Son changes into the age of the Ho...

Ruth Kim - Who Can Be Answered in the Name of the Holy Spirit?

Who Can Be Answered in the Name of the Holy Spirit? It is natural that God’s people who believe in the name of Savior as their true God should pray in the name of God of that age. The theme is this; “Who can be answered in the age of the Holy Spirit?” Ps 116:4 Then I called on the name of the LORD: O LORD, save me! As God’s people believing in Jehovah prayed in the name of Jehovah in the age of the Father, when the age changed from the age of the Father to the age of the Son, God’s people believing in Jesus prayed in the name of Jesus in the age of God the Son. People’s prayers can only be answered when they pray in the name of the Savior in their own age. Jn 16:24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. Then if the age of the Son changes into the age of the Holy Spirit, in whose name would people pray? We live neither in the age of the Father nor in the age of the Son. We live in the age of the Holy Spirit. We shou...

Ruth Kim - Who Can Be Witnesses of the Savior of the New Name?

Who Can Be Witness of the Savior of the New Name? It is natural that God’s people who believe in the name of Savior as true God should be the witnesses of their God. The theme is this; “Whose witnesses must people be in the age of the Holy Spirit?” Isa 43:10 You are my witnesses, declares the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen. As God’s people believing in Jehovah were witnesses of God the Father in the age of the Father, when the age changed from the age of the Father to the age of the Son, God’s people believing in Jesus were witnesses of God the Son in the age of the Son. Ac 1:6~8 You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Then if the age of the Son changes into the age of the Holy Spirit, whose witnesses would people be? We live neither in the age of the Father nor in the age of the Son. We live in the age of the Holy Spirit. Then, whose witnesses must we be? W...

Ruth Kim - Who Can Be Saved in the New Name?

Who Can Be Saved in the New Name? If there is the most important and valuable purpose to believe in God, it must be this; to receive true God, Who created heaven and earth and even mankind and get eternal life through which we can go back to the heavenly home. The main theme should be this; “What is the name of the Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit? How I can receive Him?’ As written in the Book of Matthew (Mt 28:19), we have to ponder that there exist the name of God the Father and God the Son and the Holy Spirit in which we can be baptized. We are living in the age of the Holy Spirit, not of the Father or of the Son. As God the Father has His name; Jehovah, and God the Son; Jesus, then the Holy Spirit has His name too. Isa 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior. In the age of the Father, God’s people could be saved in the name of Jehovah, because only Jehovah was the Savior in the age of the Father. Then, when the age changed to the age of the Son, who ...

Ruth Kim - Who Will Be Awarded in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Who Will Be Awarded in the Kingdom of Heaven? Everyone love to be awarded, rewarded and congratulated. They are struggling to win the awards in many competitions or on the race. However unfortunately all are not able to win the awards, but only some people do. Winning the rewards in this earth through the competitions is great, but spiritually winning the rewards in heaven will be greater than we do here. Heb 11:24~26 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. As Moses refused to be known as the son of Pharaho’s daughter because he was looking ahead to his reward, we have to refuse to be pleasant or indulge ourselves in earthly desire and long to our reward in the kingdom of heaven by G...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Those God Elohim Are Walking with?

  Who Are Those God Elohim Are Walking with? There is a saying, “The best trip depends on who you go with rather than where you go.” Even though you’re going to the best tourism attractions, if you’re alone or you go there with someone that you don’t want to go with, your trip will be the worst. Going to heaven is like a journey or a long travel. Also our life is liken to a journey to heaven. In the course of journey of the kingdom of heaven, there might be more trials and hardships than joy and pleasure. However God Elohim are walking with us until we stand at the heaven’s gate. We no longer fear anything because we can see God the Father and God the Mother walking together beside us.

Ruth Kim - Who Are Entrusted with the Task of Preaching the Gospel, the New Cavenant?

  Who Are Entrusted with the Task of Preaching the Gospel, the New Covenant? The devout Christians are in deep religious beliefs that they’re saved by God the Father and eager to preach the gospel. When the chance to preach comes to them, they enthusiastically try to do it. Does God really entrust them to preach the gospel? Never! In the Bible there are those to be entrusted with the gospel. Gal 2:7 On the contrary, they saw that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as Peter had been to the Jews. For God, who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the Jews, was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles. Here, “I” refers to Apostle Paul and he testified that as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel to the Jews, Paul also was entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel. What gospel did Peter and Paul preach? They were enthusiastically preaching the gospel, called the New Covenant. 1Th 2:4 On the contr...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Guaranteed to Bring Back to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Who Are Guaranteed to Bring Back to the Kingdom of Heaven? Usually People like to travel abroad as well as domestically because there’re many tourism attractions. What they prepare to travel the first before departing is to buy tickets. I’d like to buy round-trip train tickets. It is because I cannot guarnatee to buy the train ticket to bring me back my hometown. If I bought just one-way ticket, I would get into unexpected situations and fail to back home. 2Co 5:4~5 God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. We’re given the Spirit as a deposit because He guaranteed to reveal the mysteries in Him. In the same way, in order to be guaranteed to go back heavenly home, we need to prepare the spiritual round-trip ticket by believing in the Holy Spirit and the Bride because They are the deposit guaranteeing our inheritance. Eph 1:13~14 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of you...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Promised to Receive the New Name and the Name of Jerusalem?

Who Are Promised to Receive the New Name and the Name of Jerusalem? God designates us as the promised children, giving the blissful situations and times. Gal 4:28 Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise. What have we been promised? Among many promise, we’re promised to receive the New Name. As written in the Bible (Rev 2:17), God will give the hidden manna, representing for the Passover to those who overcome any trials. Also God will give a white stone with a New Name written on it, standing for the Second Coming Jesus only to those who receive and recognize IT. It means that only God’s children can recognize the Second Coming Christ with the New Name. Besides the New Name of the Second Coming Christ, we’re promised to receive the Name of Jerusalem. As written in the Bible (Rev 3:12), God will let us know the Name of the New Jerusalem of the city of God and He will write IT on us. It means that only God’s children can recognize the Name of the New Jerusalem. Except us, n...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Acknowledged to Be God's Beloved Children?

Who Are Acknowledged to Be God’s Beloved Children? Let’s suppose that boys and girls are studying in the classroom in the school. Then A mother turns up in front of them at the door of the classroom. She seems to call her child but actually doesn’t do it. All eyes of boys and girls are on her and no one don’t stand up, not knowing her. At that time A girl waves her hand happily and calls her out ‘mom’. It means that only that girl recognize her as mother. Why is it? It is because she and the girl are in a relationship between ‘Mother’ and ‘Daughter’. Jn 1:9~13 The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God -- children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, ...

Rachel - Christ Ahnsahnghong, Who Restored the New Covenant

What if God would come again to this earth? What if God comes again to this earth again? It is a very glorious and awaited moment. However, when Jesus was born in Israel 2000 years ago, the Jews who looked forward to the coming of the Savior rejected Jesus. What would happen today if the same thing happened? ? What would happen if Jesus come again in these days? Ecc 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Lk 18:8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? Will you see faith when Jesus comes again? These words are truly meaningful. Because that means there is no faith. Because it means there is no faith. Why can't the world accept Jesus even when Jesus, who has been waiting so earnestly, comes? There can be many reasons for this, but one of them is that their own thoughts take precedence over God's Words(the Bible). 2000 years a...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Given Wisdom and Understanding to Be Saved?

Who Are Given Wisdom and Understanding to Be Saved? Some Christians boast of wisdom and understanding so that they know God and the secret of the kingdom of heaven and are saved. Do they? I don’t think so. Here are evidences that they don’t know God nor the secret of the kingdom of heaven. They will result in destruction according to the Bible as long as they don’t learn wisdom and understanding from God. Eph 1:7~8 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. God lavishes on those who have redemption through God’s blood and the forgiveness of sin with all wisdom and understanding. Thus even if they boast of wisdom and understanding, where does come from? It is because they never know what God’s blood is and how they receive the forgiveness of sins. Here is another evidence that they have no wisdom and understanding. Mt 13:11~12 He replied, “ The knowledge...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Those to Be Appointed for Eternal Life?

  Who Are Those to Be Appointed for Eternal Life? When Apostle Paul and Barnabas were traveling to preach the gospel at Antioch, they entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Many gathered in the synagogue to hear the word of God asked them to speak further about the New Covenant on every Sabbath. At that time, some Jews filled with jealousy slandered against what Paul was saying. However Paul continued to testifying about Jesus Christ without stopping. Then after he finished speaking, something amazing happened. What was it? All who were appointed for eternal life believed. It means that someone who had been chosen by God to be given eternal life believed in Jesus. It is the same as the last age of the Holy Spirit. Someone who is chosen by God Elohim to be given eternal will believe in God the Father and God the Mother; Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother. In any case, let's not be discouraged. We surely will find out long-lost brothers and sister, who’re appointed to for et...

Ruth Kim - Who Are Privileged to Listen to God's Voice?

Who Are Privileged to Listen to God’s Voice? It is believed about the relationship between a shepherd and his sheep that t he shepherd who has a good relationship with his sheep can lead them to the good pasture, going on ahead of them. All sheep know the shepherd’s voice and when the time comes that sheep go into their pen, they listen to his voice and return safely to the pen. Otherwise he may lose some of his sheep when sheep go astray not listening to his voice. Some of them may lose its life when they’re attacked by ferocious wolves. If someone else impersonates their shepherd, pretending to lead them to the pen, they will never follow a stranger of that impostor and run away from him. It is because sheep distinguish shepherd’s voice from a stranger’s voice. Jn 10:4~5 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not rec...

Rachel - God the Mother Seen through All the Creatures

When God created this world, there are invisible world and visible world. Visible world is 3rd dimension world people live. However, invisible world is 4th or 5th dimension angelic world. Rev 4:11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” To make us understand invisible world, God created physical world that we can see, touch and feel. God created earthly family for us to understand heavenly family the 5th dimension world. Col 1:16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. Heaven is invisible world. Heb 8:5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern show...